The Mona Lisa has a «twin sister»

The Mona Lisa has a «twin sister»

The Mona Lisa has a «twin sister»

In the Museum of the «Prado» in Madrid was found «twin sister» of the famous «Mona Lisa». It is a copy of the world famous painting, which was drawn at the same time with the original workshop of Leonardo da Vinci.

Painting has long hung in the Madrid museum, but of its value so far nothing was known. Only now, at the time of the restoration work, it was found that the product was produced in parallel with the original. Draw it could presumably Andrea Salai or Francesco Melzi, the best students da Vinci.

During the work on the painting, it was established that the black background on the copy was made later. Under him experts Prado have discovered an image of the Italian landscape, which can also be found on the original. A copy is the same size as the original "Mona Lisa" and its creation also refers to the beginning of the 16th century.

With the help of infrared rays revealed that the artist while working on the film made the same fixes as da Vinci on the original. This proves that both products have the same time. As the Spanish Museum and the Louvre, which is the original, confirmed the origin of the copy. Official copy will be presented on February 21.


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