Interesting facts about Africa

African Lions

African Lions

On the territory of the African continent can easily fit North America and Europe. Area of Africa is 30 million square . It stretches for more than 8000 km from North to South and for more than 6000 km from the East to the West.

Compared with Asia or North America, Africa relief rather flat. The average height of the northern, western and central parts of the continent about 600 m most of North Africa, a plateau of the Sahara desert. The highest in Africa - East and South. This area includes the Great Rift and the green plains of the eastern highlands.

About 40 % of Africa is a desert. The Sahara desert covers one-third of North Africa. The rest of the desert are located on the South-East.

The great African river is the Nile (the longest river in the world), Zaire (Congo), Nigeria and the Zambezi.

The great valley of clefts is naturally formed series of the valleys which have deeply cut through the territory of East Africa. The great break appeared as a result of huge movements of crust. In other places breaks in the earth reach about 1 - 1,5 km in depth and 40 km in width. Some breaks were filled with water, having formed Great African Lakes (Mobuta Sese-Seko, Edward, Nyasa and Tanganyak), and also the Red Sea.

Mountain range ruwenzori is located in Central Africa. These snowy peaks rise to a height of up to 5000 m. They called the Lunar mountains ancient geographer Ptolemy, who in 150 A.D. was a card on which was already the Nile river, starting in the mountains. Neal has several sources, including lake Victoria.

Interesting facts about Africa

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